Do you avoid corresponding because you aren’t sure how to spell Sincerely

Are you resisting a career as a novelist because you are too indecisive about the plot? Do you sometimes dot your t’s and cross your i’s? 

Boy, have we got a product for you. Introducing: PENCILS!!

Pencils are versatile, easy to use, and perfect for risk-taking and experimentation. You can sharpen a pencil, but you can’t sharpen your ideas until you start getting them on paper. So why not get started. Pencils are a tool for writing, but with a twist:

Pencils are made with graphite and lead, we think, which reacts negatively when rubbed by rubber. And that's a positive thing!

Not quite sure whether there is a u in favorite? Take that risk. You can always erase it!

That’s right, folks. Most Pencils even come attached to their own personal eraser. All you have to do is flip the tip, and replace your mistake. 
Don’t let a failure ruin your day. Use a pencil and erase it away!

WARNING: Pencils can be very, very sharp.

You should not run with pencils.

You should also not sharpen the eraser, or the metal holster that contains the eraser.

Side effects may include gray smudges on the paper or on the side of your hand if you didn’t have proper handwriting instruction.